Biobased Product Labeling and Certification

There are several third-party certified eco-labeling programs and biobased product initiatives worldwide that require or recommend ASTM D6866, ISO 16620-2 or EN 16640 testing for products.

NOTE: Beta Analytic is not affiliated with any of the programs listed below.

Australia Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) +

GECA is a not-for-profit standards development organization that runs a multi-sector ecolabeling program. It is the only Australian member of the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) to date. GECA’s standards seek to set the benchmark for environmentally preferable products.

Products for ASTM D6866 or ISO 16620-2 Testing — Stationery items and office supplies, particularly media case, OA filter (with a frame), OHP film, clear folder (file), and paper envelopes that use plant-based plastic in the window section. One criteria in the standard is that the content of biobased polymer in the product shall be equal to or higher than 25%.

GECA’s environmental performance standard for stationery items and office supplies is similar to Japan’s Eco Mark Product Category No. 112.

GECA Stationery & Office Supplies (SOSv1.0-2019) (PDF)

Belgium TÜV AUSTRIA OK biobased Program +

The OK biobased program was launched in September 2009 to provide an independent assessment of a product’s renewability. The TÜV AUSTRIA OK biobased certification scheme uses a star system to indicate the biobased content of a product. A one-star biobased product has biobased content between 20% and 40% while a four-star certified product has a biobased content greater than 80%.

Products for EN 16640 Testing — All products which are partially made from bioplastics and/or materials of natural origin except fuels.

Overview: OK Biobased Summary


Brazil Braskem I’m Green™ Seal +

Braskem, a petrochemical company in Brazil, has created the I’m Green seal to identify products that contain the Braskem green plastic in their composition. The seal is exclusive to Braskem clients.

I’m Green Overview:

European Union Bio-based Content Certification Scheme +

To promote transparent and credible communication about a product’s bio-based content, the Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN) launched the Bio-based Content Certification Scheme in 2016. The program is based on European Standard EN 16785-1:2015, which describes the requirements for determining the bio-based content of any given product using Carbon-14 measurement and elemental analysis. Under this standard, the Carbon-14 content of a product is determined according to EN 16640.

Products for EN 16640 Testing — Biobased raw materials, chemicals and intermediates, semi-finished or finished products


  EU Ecolabel +

The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary scheme created by the European Commission to promote a circular economy and encourage producers to generate less waste and carbon dioxide emissions during the manufacturing process. Many companies use the EU Ecolabel criteria for guidance on eco-friendly best practices. The EU Ecolabel scheme is valid throughout the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Products for Biobased Content Testing — Biobased Lubricants

According to the EU Ecolabel criteria for lubricants, if the term “bio-based” or “bio-lubricant” is used, the final product shall have a minimum bio-based carbon content of 25%. Compliance is demonstrated by submitting a test report in accordance with analytical standards EN 16807, ASTM D6866, DIN CEN/TS 16137 (SPEC 91236), EN 16640 or EN 16785-1. The criteria for lubricants is valid until December 31, 2024.

Background: Commission Decision (EU) 2018/1702 establishing the EU Ecolabel criteria for lubricants


Germany DIN CERTCO DIN-Geprüft Biobased +

DIN CERTCO is a certification organization of TÜV Rheinland Group and DIN, the German Institute for Standardization. Its DIN-Geprüft Biobased certification scheme has three quality divisions based on the biobased carbon content: (a) Biobased 20-50%, (b) Biobased 50-85%, and (c) Biobased >85%.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — All products that are at least 50% organic and at least 20% biobased can be certified, except medical and hazardous products and fuels with fossil components. The certification scheme applies to products which are wholly or partly produced from biobased raw materials.

Overview: DIN-Geprüft Biobased – for more Sustainability


  Blue Angel +

Germany’s Blue Angel Ecolabel is used as the country’s sustainable purchasing guide and sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services ranging from household cleaning products to textiles and construction materials.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Biodegradable lubricants

To verify biobased carbon content of lubricants that meet Blue Angel’s specified criteria, applicants should submit a test report on the final product in accordance with ASTM D6866 or DIN CEN/TS 16137 performed by an ISO 17025-accredited laboratory.

Overview: Blue Angel Ecolabel: Is Biobased Testing Required for Lubricants?


Japan Japan BioPlastics Association BiomassPla +

Launched in July 2006, Japan BioPlastics Association’s BiomassPla certification and labeling system certifies biomass-based plastic products. Under this program, registered products carry a logo easily identifiable by consumers. The BiomassPla labeling program only applies to members of the JBPA.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Materials listed in the BiomassPla BMP Positive List [Class A – biomass-based plastics; Class C – half-finished products; Class E – biomass-derived thermosetting plastic raw materials; Class F – half-finished products of Class E]

BiomassPla Overview: Japan BioPlastics Association’s BiomassPla Certification for Biomass-based Plastics


  Japan Environment Association Eco Mark Program +

The Eco Mark is an environmental labelling program that considers the product’s entire life cycle. It aims to raise the consumers’ environmental awareness and encourages corporate efforts for environmental improvement.

Products for ASTM D6866/ISO 16620 Testing — Products required to have plant-based components e.g. clothing, household textiles, industrial textiles, office supplies, household commodities, furniture, refill containers and footwear.

Overview: Eco Mark Program


Korea Korea Bio Material Packaging Association’s Biobased Label (BP Label) +

In 2011, the Korea Bio Material Packaging Association (KBMP) launched a certification program applicable to biobased resin and its derivatives with at least 25% biomass content. The BP label is valid for two years.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Biobased resin (pellets), finished products and packaging made from biobased resin


Scandinavia Nordic Swan Ecolabel +

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the official ecolabel of the Scandinavian countries. Established in 1989, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel currently addresses more than 25,000 different products across 55 product groups. The goal of the label’s provider, Nordic Ecolabelling, is to reduce the environmental impact of production and consumption of goods by helping consumers make better informed decisions. 

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — disposables for food, toys with textile components, textiles

Criteria for toys (textile constitutes more than 30% by weight of the product) – Synthetic fibers that contain biobased polymers sourced from raw materials such as sugarcane or maize must contain at least 90% biobased material reported in accordance with ISO 16620, ASTM D6866, or an equivalent standard. 

Disposables for food criteria include – Must be 90% biobased as measured by EN 16640,  EN 16785-1, or ASTM D6866 standards. 

Requirements for Synthetic Fibers of Biobased Origin include – Synthetic fibers of biobased origin must contain at least 90% biobased raw material documented by testing in accordance with ISO 16620, ASTM D6866, or an equivalent standard


Taiwan Taiwanese “Green Mark” for Plastic Products +

The Taiwanese Environmental Protection Department’s “Green Mark” is the environmental labeling standard for “biobased plastic products” – plastic products that are derived from biomass. Biodegradable products are exempt from the scheme.

The labeling program applies to plastic products with at least 25% biobased carbon content measured by ASTM D6866, the standard used for determining the percentage of the carbon in a plastic product that is derived from biomass versus fossil-based content.

More details on how to apply for this label can be found on the “Green Mark” website.

North America U.S. Department of Agriculture BioPreferred® Program +

Created by the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 and expanded by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s BioPreferred Program aims to increase purchase and use of biobased products, spur economic development, provide new markets for farm commodities, and reduce reliance on petroleum products. The Program provides federal agencies with tools, training and the BioPreferred Catalog to help them meet their biobased purchasing requirements. The Program also aids consumers to easily identify commercially available biobased products.

Under the USDA BioPreferred Program, successful applicants can affix the USDA Certified Biobased Label on the product, packaging or marketing materials.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — As of June 2022, there are 139 product categories designated by the USDA BioPreferred Program. They have unique biobased content minimums as part of the process of designating categories for federal purchasing preference. Products that do not fall under any of these categories are still eligible if they are at least 25% biobased.


  UL Environment +

UL 9798 Bio-based Product Content Validation

UL 9798 bio-based content validation is one of the important parts of UL environmental and sustainability series solutions. It applies to individual solid and liquid materials as well as semi-finished and finished products. Certified products can use UL badges for marketing purposes and are listed in the UL green product database. The UL 9798 bio-based content validation program recommends using ASTM D6866 testing.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — building materials, chemicals, cleaning/paper, electronics, furniture/furnishings, plastics, toys

Overview: UL Bio-based Product Content / Environmental Claim Validation (ECV) Program

EcoLogo CCD-170 (now UL 2783)

Founded by the Canadian government in 1988, the EcoLogo Program was one of North America’s largest ecolabeling systems. The program certifies a broad range of commercial products. EcoLogo was acquired by UL Environment in 2010.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Instant hand sanitizers

Under EcoLogo’s standard CCD-170, instant hand antiseptic products must be at least 73% biobased excluding the packaging or demonstrate compliance with the USDA BioPreferred Program.

CCD-170 Background: Hand Sanitizers Need Biobased Testing to Get an EcoLogo

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Safer Choice Label +

The U.S. EPA developed the Safer Choice Label to help consumers and commercial buyers identify chemical-based products with safer ingredients. The label was previously known as Design for the Environment label. To earn the label, products must meet the stringent human health and environmental criteria of the Safer Choice Standard. The EPA conducts annual audits to ensure that the products continue to meet the Standard. As of January 2015, about 2,250 products qualify to carry the Safer Choice Label.

Applicable Products — A wide range of products, including but not limited to, glass cleaners, general purpose cleaners, washroom cleaners, carpet cleaners, laundry detergents, graffiti removers, boat and car care, drain cleaners, personal care, and floor care and other industrial products. The Safer Choice recognition applies only to the finished product.

Participation in the Safer Choice program is voluntary. Aside from the ingredients, the program also evaluates product performance, pH and packaging.


  CertiPUR-US® Program +

The CertiPUR-US® program was developed by foam producers in the US to provide the comfort and confidence of knowing the flexible polyurethane foam used in products meets standards for content, emissions and durability. The program is open to foam producers from all countries as long as they meet the rigorous certification guidelines. Nonprofit Alliance for Flexible Polyurethane Foam, Inc. administers this certification program.

In September 2023, CertiPUR-US launched an initiative to certify biobased slabstock flexible polyurethane foams. ISO 17025:2017-accredited Beta Analytic will measure the biobased content following the ASTM D6866 Method B standard.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Slabstock Flexible Polyurethane Foams

Foams must be at least 25% biobased to achieve certification through this program. Foam producers that achieve this biobased certification can use an exclusive CertiPUR-US® logo.

Overview: CertiPUR-US® Program Certifies Biobased Foams


  Green Building Initiative (GBI) +

The Green Building Initiative’s (GBI) Guiding Principles Compliance for New Construction & Modernization (GPC NC) is a program designed specifically for federal construction and modernization projects undergoing Third-Party Certification (TPC) per Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions. The GBI’s GPC NC is an accurate, consistent, and credible process including a robust third-party evaluation by the Guiding Principles Compliance verification program.

AIn the GPC NC, one of the six principles that federal buildings must comply with is reducing the environmental impacts of their materials. Assessment guidance points for new buildings in the GPC NC are earned based on the Sustainable Materials Index (SMI), or the percentage of the total value of the building materials that have sustainable material attributes. Relevant materials in the SMI include pre-consumer recycled content, post-consumer recycled content, and biobased content. Biobased content of materials listed in the SMI is verified using ASTM D6866 testing.


2023. Guiding Principles Compliance: Third Party Assessment for Federal Agencies. Green Building Initiative.

2021. Guiding Principles Compliance for New Construction Program Overview. Green Building Initiative.

2023. Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings. U.S. EPA.

2022. Green Globes for New Construction 2021 (ES + BEQ) Technical Reference Manual Version 1.0 (PDF)

  Green Electronics Council EPEAT Program +

The EPEAT Program aims to aid purchasers assess and select electronic products based on their environmental attributes. Registered products are rated Gold, Silver or Bronze depending on the percentage of 28 optional criteria they meet on top of the baseline criteria.

According to EPEAT Conformity Assessment Protocols 4.2 Materials Selection Version 1.3 (March 2010) concerning declaration of renewable/biobased plastic materials content of desktop and laptop computers, thin clients, workstations and computer monitors, verification of the biobased content is determined through ASTM D6866.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Plastic materials used in computers and monitors


  GreenCircle Certification for Biobased Content +

GreenCircle Certified, LLC helps companies establish brand integrity by providing independent third-party verification of their environmental claims using applicable standards. For its biobased content product certification, GreenCircle will evaluate the product, raw materials and manufacturing operations to verify and certify the renewable/biobased content claims.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — All biobased products


  Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) +

RSB offers peer-reviewed, global certification standard for sustainable biomaterials, biofuels and biomass production.

The RSB Standard for Bio-based and Advanced Products (RSB-STD-02-001) describes sustainability requirements for operators involved in the supply chains of bio-based and advanced products. Under the standard, certified bio-based products and bio-based intermediates must have a bio-based carbon content of at least 25% as measured by analytical standards EN 16640, ASTM D6866, CEN/TS 16137:2011 or ISO 16620-1:2015. The standard was effective starting December 10, 2018.

Source: Pages 11-12 of RSB-STD-02-001

  Sustainable Biomaterials Collaborative +

Sustainable Biomaterials Collaborative has released a list of purchasing specifications called BioSpecs. Manufacturers of food service ware can get Bronze, Silver, and Gold ratings if they meet certain criteria, one of which is organic carbon content.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Food service ware must be at least 95% biobased to get a Bronze rating.

Overview: SBC’s BioSpecs Uses ASTM D6866 for Organic Carbon Content Measurement


  Sustainable Packaging Coalition +

The Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s Sustainable Packaging Indicators and Metrics Framework Version 1.0 includes Renewable Material Use as a supplemental indicator with Total Material Use as the core indicator.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Bioplastics

Overview: Sustainable Packaging Metrics Framework Include ASTM D6866 for Bioplastics


  U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Environmental Management Program +

The 2022 updated Department of Environmental Management Program under the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) includes various initiatives like the Green Purchasing Program where biobased product purchases for construction or department use are compliant with the USDA’s 2002 Farm Bill and the USDA BioPreferredⓇ Purchasing Program.

VA policy for the Green Purchasing Program is to advance sustainable material use by ensuring that at least 95% of new contract actions for products and services are energy and water efficient, environmentally preferable, or biobased.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Roofing materials

The Office of Construction and Facilities Management of the VA requires biobased roof coatings to have at least 20% biobased content. These biobased materials include the following:

  • Hot-Mopped Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
  • Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
  • Cold-Applied Built-Up Asphalt Roofing
  • Built-Up Bituminous Roofing
  • Hot-Applied Built-Up Asphalt Roofing


2022. U.S. Environmental Management Program. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

2021. Summary of Modifications/Changes in this Update. Office of Construction and Facilities Management. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

  U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) +

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the most widely used third-party verification for green buildings. LEED may be applied to all buildings. Projects pursuing LEED certification earn one of four LEED rating levels – Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum.

Through LEED, biobased products and materials other than wood should be tested using ASTM D6866 or equivalent method ISO 16620-2, or be certified to the USDA BioPreferred Voluntary Labeling Initiative that includes verification via ASTM D6866 testing. Hide products, such as leather and other animal skin material, are excluded from this credit.

  • Biobased products that meet the criteria above are valued at 50% of cost multiplied by the biobased content of the product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
  • Biobased products that meet the Sustainable Agriculture Network’s Sustainable Agriculture Standard in addition to the testing requirements above are valued at 100% of cost multiplied by the bio-based content of the product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.

Products for ASTM D6866 Testing — Building materials

LEED v4 Background:

Sourcing of Raw Materials credit:

Page Last Updated: October 2023